Call for Proposals 2023 - University of Phoenix
Call for Proposals 2023 - University of Phoenix
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 12:00 AM - Friday, February 3, 2023 12:00 AM (MST)
Call for Proposals!
We are currently accepting proposals for concurrent sessions during our May 2-3, 2023 Inclusive Leadership Summit.
We invite proposals from innovative practitioners, scholars, researchers, industry leaders working to address and examine aspects of trauma, accessibility, post-pandemic challenges and the ongoing social and systemic issues that hinder performance and retention.
Refer to the proposal submission attachment for additional information. The submission deadline for proposals is February 3, 2023.
Again, thank you for your engagement as together we seek to inform, empower, and uplift our communities in the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
In Solidarity,
Office of Educational Equity
University of Phoenix
Refer to the proposal submission attachment for additional information. The submission deadline for proposals is February 3, 2023. We are currently accepting proposals for concurrent sessions during our May 2-3, 2023 Inclusive Leadership Summit.
Community Event