Voices & Perspectives of a Multigenerational Workforce
Voices & Perspectives of a Multigenerational Workforce
Thursday, August 18, 2022 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (MST)
Educational Equity Webinar Series
Voices & Perspectives of a Multigenerational Workforce
Thursday August 18th 2022 | 11:00 am to 12:00pm (PST)
This webinar is part two in a series focused on the multigenerational workforce. In part one, we discussed the ways in which we can work together to bridge the gap among generational differences in the workplace.
During this next session we will bring in representatives from different generations to share their experiences. Each represents a different industry, pathway to education and unique career trajectory.
Moderator: Dr. Mallary Tytel, Faculty, Grand Canyon University
Panelists: Dr. Zachary E. Shirley, DEI Leader, Cambium Assessment, Inc.
John Ramirez, Dean of Operations, College of Doctoral Studies, UOPX
Erica Scott, Director, MAPS’ Public Benefit Corporation
Caleb Robinson, Intern, SKDK Public Affairs & Howard University Graduate
Again, thank you for your involvement in our goal to inform, empower and uplift our communities in the work of diversity, equity and inclusion.
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