The Woman in Black
7:00 PM - 2:00 PM
THE ACCLAIMED GHOST STORY COMES DRAMATICALLY ALIVE IN MALLATRATT’S INGENIOUS STAGE ADAPTATION. Direct from the United Kingdom, with a cast from the West End of London, comes the second longest-running play in the history of British Theatre. Stephen ...
SCORE | Build a Business with Amazon
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
learn how you can build a business with Amazon, including selling in their store, becoming a Delivery Service Partner, self-publishing with Kindle Direct Publishing and much more. Explore the resources and programs Amazon offers to help enable small ...
7 Weeks Of After Holiday Excitement - $10k & $100k Challenge
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
If you can chip, putt or hit, then you will have seven consecutive Wednesdays to qualify. With a chance to putt for a $10,000 prize or $100,000 Hole In One. Other cash and prizes will also be awarded weekly!
Doing Business with MBDA: How MBDA Can Help Black Entrepreneurs Elevate Their Business in 2024 | Webinar
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join us for a virtual webinar where we will bring MBDA’s equities together to discuss the programs and services they offer to assist entrepreneurs in growing and scaling their businesses. More specifically, this event will provide participants with ...